Refugee contractor CEO (moneybags) Miliband moans: shocking decline in Muslim arrivals

Taxpayer-funded refugee contractors lead anti-Trump rally in DC tomorrow

A loving Christian representative of Church World Service?

Temporary Protected Status for Syrians will expire March 31st and already the wailing has begun

US taxpayer-funded resettlement agency has it nose (again) in Israel’s business

Austria: Mahmoud took the money and went home!

Is Minnesota’s welcome mat still out for refugees?

Hungary’s Orban has the international Left in panic mode

Lawrence Bartlett, State Department refugee chieftain sidelined?

Trump was right: Only 23 per cent of Flemish feel safe in Brussels

Tanzania: UN and US open new processing center to move Congolese refugees to the US more expeditiously

NY Times: In FY 2017, record number of Somalis were deported from US to Somalia

Plane with deportees lands in Africa and then returns to US without dropping off Somalis

EU suing countries that refuse migrants

Politifact: There is no way to get at the true cost of resettling refugees in the US