Dr. Jones’ New Book Logos Rising is available here:
The C-19 Scare is but the latest attempt by oligarchy to keep the world’s wealth concentrated in their hands. This will entail keeping the world’s peoples’ minds’ concentrated on imbibing their lies. The “cure” they would sell the people is the very means by which they kill the people- even physically, as well as by which they make a killing. The drug AZT, the “cure” to the AIDS epidemic (the C-Virus of its day- the 1980s and 90s, ) for which unleashing Dr. Anthony Fauci bears responsibility, provides a metaphorical key to understanding the cure which will be imposed on the world’s people, its economy and its civil law and liberties, especially as it pertains to Church/ State relations, if these criminals are not stopped. The Bishops of the Catholic Church, par
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