The EU has essentially admitted it is NOT Europe, and does not like nor represent what is inalienably European, but rather that they (the EU and their partner in this Crime Against Humanity, the UNHCR), are an invading, supremacist force fighting not only to replace Europeans, and their centuries old culture, with migrants from the 3rd world, but more seriously, committing genocide and social engineering of the worst kind, by attempting to racemix Europeans into a obedient population of racemixed consumers, on the orders of their donors, big business and Oligarchs. Disguising what is essentially enforced dysgenics and population control as something “progressive” and modern.
A Hungarian city’s bid to become the European Union’s next “Capital of Culture” was rejected by anti white EU officials because its video entry showed too many smiling, dancing, white Christians, the city’s Mayor revealed.
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Eastern Europe
Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Yugoslavia, Russia etc.