Globalist Campaign of Farmers Being “The Enemy of The State”, Strikes The Netherlands & Belgium

Corrupt ANC Dept. of Home Affairs’ Service Now so Bad it Ruins Law-abiding People’s Jobs & Lives

Who are the Racists? Half of Cape Registered Black Voters in CIAG Independence Poll say Race-Based Volkstaat is OK!

Cubans Take To Streets Calling for End to Destructive Socialism that has Oppressed & Enslaved Them for Generations!!

Morocco Uses Illegal Migrants as a Weapon! Sends 8,000 Migrants Swarming Across the Border to Spain, Who Shelter Moroccan Separatist!

Biden Destroying the American Dream: “Caused more Damage in 100 Days Than I Thought Possible in Four Years!” – Congresswoman Mace

VIDEO: Where Will YOU Run To? Joe Biden’s Ethnic Cleansing Plan for White Americans! – The Video Joe Biden Wants to Hide!

Video: Emperor Biden, the Racist Hypocrite, Bans Travel From South Africa! Is He Targeting Afrikaners That He Hates So Much?

Video: Flanders Wants Independence! Mass Protest to Brussels with Motor Convoy Planned By Vlaams Belang on 27 September!

“White People are in BIG Trouble!” Rabbi Says Jews are Safer in Israel Than Whites are in Their Own Homelands!

VIDEO: How Black Men (& Women) Create Multiple Single Mothers Keeping Blacks in Poverty Rife with Drugs, Gender & Sexual Violence!

VIDEO: China Used CoronaVirus as Bio-Weapon To Mitigate its Economic Losses from COVID-19 & Funded “Hug a Chinese” Activists Blamed For Italy’s High #CoronaVirus Infections!

So Are Honey Bees “Racist” Too? Naturally, Honey Bees Protect Their Hives & Honey From Intruders Like Bumble Bees & Wasps. How Racist?

Video: The Irish Times Backs Criminal Antifa Who Attacked Police Outside The Dail! The 3 Left Wing Extremists Were Arrested Trying To Disrupt #FreeSpeech Rally

HAPPY BREXODUS! Here is The EU Alternative To Make Britain Great Again and 281,000 have already signed this common sense petition!