Selling Ireland for a Bowl of Lentil Soup From the E.U. While USA and UK are its Biggest Partners!

Failed Asylum Seekers Have to Deport Themselves! Ireland Does NOT Check if They Have Left or Not!

Irish Children Are Second Class Citizens in Their Own Schools and in Their Own Country!

Alastriona Interviews Paul Golding from Britain First on his Visit To Northern Ireland

Angry Patriots Confront Left Wing Traitor in Chemnitz Germany Who Admits Spitefulness!

Nigel Farage Destroys EU Dictators at the Fascist ‘Show Trial’ of Hungary and Viktor Orban

Germany’s Patriotic AfD Party Takes Mad Merkel to Constitutional Court for Suspending Dublin Regulation and Bypassing Parliament

German doctor calls refugees medical tourists: They even ask for Viagra

Almost 4,000 refugees and migrants stormed into Greece in April alone – Migrant crisis far from over

Germany: Mohamed ‘Most Popular Baby Name’ in Bremen

#MuslimFoothold: 75% Children and 55% Adults in Antwerp, Belgium’s second largest city, are foreigners, mostly African!

Musician: Merkel is a criminal and needs to be locked up in a psychiatric hospital

Bavaria changes legal designation of asylum centres to ‘dangerous’

War in Syria is OVER! Syria needs the refugees and migrants to go home to rebuild their country! Video:

Feeling Stupid Yet Germany? 43% of Underage Migrants in Germany were NOT Underage! Are Migrants Coached on European Weaknesses?