In the third PM vote, which took place on Friday, Vänsterpartiet (left-wing, communist party) decided to vote in favor of socialist party leader Stefan Löfven.
The two parties have admitted that they made an agreement in order to stop the right-wing anti-mass migration party Sweden Democrats from gaining power.
This means that Stefan Löfven will continue to govern the country for another four years.
Löfven was PM during the migrant crisis in 2015/2016. He was the one, who under the motto “My Europe builds no walls” decided to swing the door open and let an unmanageable amount of migrants into Sweden.
And as a result, Sweden has changed significantly for the worse.
Shootings, bombings, grenade attacks, robberies and rapes have increased massively, the police and health care system are almost out of control, many Swedes feel unsafe, the pensioners are getting poorer and poorer, and Islam keeps demanding one right after another in society.
In a TV interview
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