#MuslimPrivilege Islamic Attacks Have Nothing to Do With Islam According To Supremacist EU!

Palestinian Muslim Says Rape is Not A Crime, Yet Still The Left Puts Islam Above All Others

Is Iran Europe’s Future? Islamo-Socialism Started The Deadly Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979!

#LeoOut Is Leo Defending ISIS? Even Muslim Council in Ireland Says Citizenship of Irish Islamists Should be Revoked!

UK Media Blackout on the Continuing Rape of British Children by Muslim Rape Gangs – Why So Quiet in Ireland?

The Life of A Child Bride in Islam TODAY. By All Western Laws and Norms, Mohammed WAS a Pedophile…

No to Kilkenny Mosque – Eugene McGuinness Confident They Can Stop The Mosque Planning Process

Women’s non-Life Under Islam – How Islam Oppresses Women In All Spheres of Life

3 Books Muslims Follow Instruct Them to Indoctrinate and Assimilate non-Muslims and Their Countries!

#ExposeThemToHarm – Irish Gov. Deliberately Using Violent Migrant Culture to Destroy Irish Culture! 

Wahhabism in Ireland. What and where and why its foothold is dangerous to Irish people and culture

Estimated 5 to 8 MILLION Rapes of British Girls committed by Muslim Men – Lord Pearson

Official: Muslim Birth Rate in UK is TEN TIMES More than Any Other Group – Lord Pearson

Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia and Greece Join Forces with Israel to Declare war against radical Islam, Globalist UN and Supremacist EU

Must Watch! How and Why Muslim Rape Gangs and ISIS Succeed and Flourish in The West!