Paul O’Sullivan At London Protest: ‘Corrupt Zuma’s Stooges’ Run South Africa’s Criminal Justice System

White people who own land in SA – bought it or negotiated for it !!

No Protests Please; We Are Afrikaners

They Said It Couldn’t Be Done…And Now…?

From Polokwane To Junk Status: The Rapid Radical Goose-Step To The Left

Murder For These White Farmers, 20 Times The International Average

#FARMMURDERS Make Headlines In France – South Africa: The Forgotten Massacre Of White Farmers

Globalism and Consumerism Kills! Gobal trade causes more than 20% of premature air pollution deaths

One of the 5 Biggest Threats to Humanity has Died, so why is Mainstream Media not cheering but rather commiserating?

“RefugeesWelcome” Are Slavetraders Who Are Committing a Massive Crime Against Humanity, AGAIN!

European Leaders and MSM Must Hang! Proof Refugee Crisis is a Sham to Pillage and Destroy Europe.

Death Penalty for Human Traffickers? Especially Treasonous ones that smuggle foreigners into their own country?

“Refugees” Shoot at Libyan Navy Rescue Boat! Three Cheers to Libyan Navy who Protect Europe unlike the EU!