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Will Taxing Couples Who Choose Not to Have Kids Be an Answer To Ireland’s Demographic and Pension Time Bomb?
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German Nurse’s Warning to The West: Migrants are aggressive, spoilt, unemployable and bring diseases. Where are Refugees Welcome Activists Now?
A nurse in Germany has sent out a warning to the West after her experiences at the hands of migrants and refugees who flooded Germany when Merkel invited them all in. “At the hospital, we had a meeting about how the situation here and at the other Munich hospitals are unsustainable.“
Clinics cannot handle the number of migrant medical emergencies, so they are starting to send everything to the main hospitals.
Many Muslims are refusing treatment by female staff, and we women nurses are now refusing to go among those migrants!
Relations between the staff and migrants are going from bad to worse. Since last weekend, migrants going to the hospitals must be accompanied by police with K-9 units.
Many migrants come to Germany because they have AIDS, syphilis, open TB and many exotic diseases that we in Europe do not normally treat on such a scale. If they receive a prescription to t
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What Price Atheism? Genocidal UNHCR decides where refugees are “resettled”, sends Muslims to UK and Christian Syrians to Germany and Sweden!
In what some would call karma or payback for UK’s anti Christian, anti Catholic policies and attitudes, going back centuries, the supremacist UNHCR, who decides on behalf of Western nations where refugees are sent, sends Muslims to UK but sends Christian refugees to Germany or Sweden. This is also where the refugees prefer to go, further underscoring the pick and choose lottery win, that the refugee system has become. The word used is “resettlement” which indicates it is permanent with no intention that these refugees will ever be asked to return to their countries of origin. Indeed, “resettling ONE refugee plus FIFTEEN family members makes it clear they are permanently relocating people en masse! This is warfare! This is blatant kidnapping of desperate people to use be used as consumer fodder by oligarchs and multinationals and voter fraud by the occupation governments in the West.
As EuroWars reported Continue reading…
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Absentee Bondholders? Ireland is 3rd Biggest Holder of US Treasury Bonds: $314,000,000,000 – Equal to it’s Annual GDP! Yet Ireland Benefits Little
A recent drop in Irish held US Bonds and Russia selling off most of its US Treasury Bonds, has once again highlighted the fact that Ireland is the third largest US Treasury Bond holder in the world, where Bonds held in Ireland equal the country’s annual economic output (GDP)! However this pot of gold is not Irish.
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Ready for the Red Pill? – Musician in Dublin Discovers Globalism is Not So Groovy After All With Sky High Rents
“I can’t afford to live in my hometown any more. I don’t want to go” says Dublin-based musician David Kitt who took to social media to reveal his sadness at having to leave his beloved hometown because of high rent prices.
The 43-year-old, who ironically, or possibly tellingly, is the son of former Fianna Fáil minister Tom Kitt, spoke of how spiraling rent costs and Fine Gael’s housing policy is “failing this city and its people massively“.
While this might come as a surprise or disappointment for someone in the entertainment industry, where they are prone to worship globalism and liberalism, it comes as no surprise to those amongst us who are already Red Pilled. Maybe it will start dawning on them that “no borders” is a trojan horse – it might be groovy and luvly to hop across to the Mainland with just a credit card an passport in your shirt pocket, but who is hopping over into your home, and why?
Tom revealed in th
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Supremacist MultiNational Corporations Are Worth More Than Most Countries But Have No Loyalty or Accountability to Citizens
Many large Multinational Corporations have more money than entire countries with annual revenues so colossal, that they dwarf the economies of many big countries across the globe. However, the world’s most profitable and successful businesses do not always have stellar reputations or loyalties, yet people dream of working for them and worship them and their mass produced products…
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Army of African Migrants Storm and Attack Spanish Border – Migrants do not take NO for an answer (Video)
Over 700 hundred migrants have stormed the Spanish exclave of Ceuta, some armed with homemade flamethrowers, sticks and even poo, after breaking through the border fence.
More than 100 migrants and 22 border agents were injured in the battle as border agents arrested hundreds of invaders on the Moroccan side and more were detained in Ceuta.
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Lying BBC Newsnight Reporter Claims “Islam Does Not Allow Sex With Minors Anywhere”, Wonders Why No One Wants to Talk to Fake News BBC
Lying BBC Newsnight Reporter Claims “Islam Does not Allow Sex With Children Anywhere”, Yet Can’t Understand Why No One Wants to Talk to Fake News BBC
Tommy Robinson was rapidly jailed in May, and not given his due rights to appoint council, after he was coerced into admitting contempt of court by filming outside Leeds Crown Court in the UK during a trial.
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We Want #FullEnglishBRexit – UKIP Seeing a Membership Surge as May Betrays Brexiteers (Video)
Given the massive increase in membership numbers for UKIP in the past 2 months, as well as current polling, the more May fails at BRexit, as she most certainly currently is, the more UKIP will see a significant resurgence with a potential 17.4 million support base… That would force the Cuckservatives to form an alliance..
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Muslims told to wash after being among non-muslims and Christians, to hate them, steal from them and not to drink “Christian” (tap) water!
The largest-ever report on a fundamentalist branch of Islam shows Salafist preachers are increasingly conspiring together to push their message of hate across Muslim communities in Europe – and disturbing everyday anti-European behavior is now common even in children.
It was found that a well-organized well funded group is consciously pushing for the Muslim community to divorce itself from the cultural surroundings of mainstream Sweden, creating a deep social rift from which terrorists and jihadist recruits can emerge.
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France Colonises Africa’s Football Talent to Win World Cup – NO African Nation Made it to the last Stages!
Ever wonder why no African Nations manage to get to the final stages of World Cup competitions? Could it be that Europe is once again indulging in colonisation and stealing Africa’s best talent?
Is it any wonder African nations struggle to get their countries on a firm stable footing or to achieve on the world stage, when their citizenry are constantly being raided by high minded Europeans who groom talented citizens of African nations, with promises of wealth, fame and fortune to come to Europe for free handouts. Is it any wonder African are happy to sell their grandmother and risk their lives on a Kalergi boat across the Med with human traffickers?
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X-Rays Don’t Lie, Migrant Children Do – Swedish Dentist Fired for Reporting that 80% of His Migrant Children Clients Were Actually Adults! (Video)
A Swedish dentist has been fired and now risks losing his home – after exposing some of his child refugee patients, as actually being adults. A court fined the man over 40,000 Euros, arguing he’d violated medical confidentiality.
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Macron The Miscegenist Fires French Ambassador to Hungary for pro-Orban Comments
The French ambassador to Hungary, Eric Fournier, came under fire after the publication of pro-Orban comments. He has been replaced by Macron, a recipient of the infamous Kalergi Prize, who fired his ambassador to Hungary after the publication of a document praising the patriotic migration policies of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. The public dispute..
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Is Merkel Lying to Cling to Power? Italy, Poland, Czech Rep. Slovakia, Hungary, Egypt, Morocco Deny Her Claims of the EU Migrant Deal
Angela Merkel used to be viewed like the German football team – invincible, with exceptional technical skill and a steely determination that always prevailed. Or, to use another metaphor, her style of governing was reminiscent of the slogan of the car-manufacturer Audi, Vorsprung Durch Technik: ‘Advantage through technical prowess’.
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Twice As Many Migrants Die in The Sahara as What Drown in The Med Where Fake Rescue NGO Ships Entice Them With a Free Ride
The gruesome consequences of European Elites and the EU grooming and enticing Africans to come to Europe “for a better life” is only now starting to be exposed. The cash incentives, free medical and housing for life that traitorous left wing and cuckservative (centre right) governments offer to entice new consumers and workers for the Multinational and Oligarch profits is really the same a winning an actual lottery for an African. Risking their life is obviously worth the big win offered by the virtue signalling West.
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