Hotel Owner in Central London Selling Out His Kith, Kin & Country for Globalist Coin & False Virtue! –

Ireland No Longer Meets The 5 Criteria of Sovereign Statehood! The Dail Has Betrayed & Sold Us Out! –

Under Treason May, BRexit Will Accelerate only non-EU Mass Immigration With A Muslim Home Secretary!

Your Red Pill: EU Nazis ARE taking our countries now! Share this with any EU Apologist! 

Your Silence Will Not Protect You! Traitors Selling Out Ireland Depend on Your Silence! 

Varadkar’s Admission That “I Am The European Union” Is an Act of Treason in Cahoots With FF and SF

Traitors Who Sell Kith, Kin and Country for Coin: Only 1% of 1.65 Million Asylum Claims in Germany Were Actually Reviewed by Migration Offices

The Rape of Lisdoonvarna, Europe and Humanity. NO! Cried Locals. “Racism?” hissed the rapist, thrusting foreign seed deep into rural Ireland!

World Supremacist George Soros Funding and Colluding with Treasonous Amnesty International to Break Irish Law in Abortion Referendum

Dutch Liberal Traitors Make Meme Come True! Dutch Informer Agency Against Internet Hate Speech Exposed

Supporting the E.U. is by definition High Treason. Tory councillor suspended for starting Treason petition