After the globalist EU has already succeeded in driving out the British and demonised the democratic right-wing governments of Hungary and Poland, the left wing European Union is already panicking ahead of Sunday’s parliamentary elections in Italy.
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Giorgia Meloni, “Italy’s Trump”, Favoured To Become First Female PM in Coalition with Salvini & Berlusconi
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Fr. Patrick McCafferty PP Springhill Belfast on voting pro-life 18th April 2022 –
This homily was delivered at the Corpus Christi Parish Church
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Video: Biden Impeached! The Evidence CNN, ABC, PBS, NBC, BBC, RTE Hid From You, That Prove Biden’s Corruption!
It’s OK to hate Biden! There is a reason Biden is in such a rush to sign Executive Orders. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from Georgia, has just filed two articles of impeachment against President Biden on Thursday, alleging abuse of power when he served as vice president under Obama. The Congresswoman says Biden admitted withholding billions of dollars in US aid to Ukraine, in order to have a prosecutor fired to prevent an investigation into his son Hunter’s business dealings in the country. Classic “quid pro quo“!
Dinesh D’Sousa interviews Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia), elected to her first term in November, who accused Biden of being “unfit to hold the office” and a “lengthy and disturbing” pattern of “abuse of power” while he was Barack Obama’s vice president, citing his threats to the Ukrainian government and his son Hunter Biden’s shady business deals overseas among the examples.
In a statement on Thursday, Greene said B
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VIDEO: #MAGA Framed! Stalin Would be Proud of #TheSwamp Sting & Purge as Globalist Elites Grab Power Back From The People!
No doubt if you have been following Mainstream Media, you are probably starting to believe all the “Orange Man Bad” propaganda and false flags, or are digging your head in the sand out of fear of being falsely called “racist“? However videos have appeared showing Capitol Hill “police” or what appear to be police, allowing protestors in through the barricades! There is also a video of MAGA protestors trying to stop #antifa militants from breaking the window of the Capitol building, and calling antifa out! A known #BLM Antifa activist was also caught inside the building. Did Pelosi & Mitch McConnel instruct the guards to let the protestors in? It is clear this was a setup as Trump is now permanently banned from Twitter and the Big Tech monopoly has restricted ALL Government accounts associated with the Trump Administration!
This proves Joe Biden’s Antifa & BLM breached The Capitol! Trump was framed by The Swamp, Big Tech & Deep State
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How Can the % Votes Counted Go Down? US Election Integrity & Democracy Has Been killed By Democrats! –
How can % votes counted go DOWN after the polls have closed? Watch top left of the video as it goes down from 79% to 76%, then after a while it starts going up again without the vote tallies changing!
Did the democrat fraudsters (BLM & Antifa) add 3% more fake votes?
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VIDEO: Deluge of Institutional Election Fraud Evidence From State Hearings! #TheSwamp & MSM Completely Hide it!
THE USA ELECTION WAS STOLEN! How can I say that? Having watched through over 30 hours of witness testimonies sworn under oath at state senate hearings, over the past week, and they all show institutionalized anti Trump, pro Biden bias, with many cases of electoral law being blatantly disregarded by the Democratic Party/BLM/Antifa! Sadly the Republicans are allowing their reasonableness and tolerance to allow the Left Wing to hoodwink them again. How much have YOU watched? How much has YOUR fake news mainstream media shown YOU? Why do you still watch TV? Why do you still use globalist social media, whose aim it is to destroy YOUR country and YOUR culture and history?
How does a bumbling senile old man with massive corruption, fraud and sexual scandals, plus a tiny but militant army of BLM and Antifa snowflakes, steal the election of the most powerful nation on Earth?
One word: The Swamp, aka Deep State, aka The Global Government, aka NWO, aka “Democracy”!
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VIDEO: Did the Deep State & CIA Orchestrate Obama’s Two Election Victories Like They Did With #Biden in #USA2020?
MANUFACTURING CONSENT: It appears modern day elections have become a game of predicting how many fake votes the Deep State & Far Left will require, to overcome the actual votes and yet still appear legitimate. With this in mind, the only reason Trump won in 2016, was because the Deep State globalists and democrats did not expect him to win at all, so they did not prepare sufficient overstock ballot papers with which to commit their fraud.
As we can see, in 2020, they were so shocked by defeat in 2016, that went overboard with absentee and mail in ballots, which is a simply a scheme to create spare legitimate ballot papers, that can then be used to create the fake votes, with the overstocked ballot papers, once the algorithm starts pumping out how many ball
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Did the Deep State & CIA Orchestrate Obama’s Two Election Victories Like They Did With #Biden 2020? –
MANUFACTURING CONSENT: It appears modern day elections have become a game of predicting how many fake votes the Left wing Deep State will require, to overcome the conservative votes and yet still appear legitimate. With this in mind, the only reason Trump won in 2016, was because the Deep State globalists and democrats did not expect him to win, so they did not prepare sufficient overstock ballot papers with which to commit their fraud.
A Retired Air Force General blows whistle on CIA vote hacking
Sky News host Paul Murray says there is a “blackout” by the media on anything except the “coronation of Joe Biden”.
“Why do people refuse to believe the result that they have been told has been given?” Mr Murray said.
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Can Sinn Féin Solve Ireland’s Housing Crisis? –
I make the case that even with the best of efforts from Sinn Féin, demand will continue to outstrip supply deepening the housing crisis even further. I then look at the Irish “deep state” vs Populism and where Sinn Féin fit into that.
Two points I forgot to add – Just recently Irish intelligence services have been tying Sinn Féin to Boogeyman issues (army council etc) which is deeply suspicious. Also something a Nationalist friend mentioned that I think is relevant – Putting ideology and policy aside, Sinn Féin if nothing else will have the effect of breaking up nepotism within the civil service. For all their faults, they are not just FFG with different colour ties. They *are* different people.
Sources –
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John Waters, Dún Laoghaire candidate – 2020 General Election – It’s time to take our country back –
Journalist and writer John Waters is running for the constituency of Dún Laoghaire in the 2020 Irish General Election under the Anti-corruption Ireland banner.
This video was edited from an original video by youtuber user Granville Thorndyke who has since deleted his channel. It was originally titled “Ireland Sinks into Conformist PC Oblivion”.
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#GE2020Lies Sinn Fein Harbours Open Borders Antifa Terror Group, Yet Their Election Manifesto Outlines Controlled Immigration. NP Taking Patriotic Voters From SF or Just More Lies?
BE ALL THINGS TO ALL VOTERS: Sinn Fein have been so busy making a show and a meal out of the exotic sauces, condiments & spices, that they only now seem to have noticed that The National Party are nibbling at the chips, and are even eyeing up the whole burger. In what appears to be a strange policy turn around, on page 70 of their election manifesto, Sinn Fein espouse a tough immigration policy.
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National Party candidate – Philip Dwyer #GE2020 –
Interview with Dublin South West National Party candidate Philip Dwyer
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Email: [email protected]
My Threema ID is DFWCEBT5 if you wish to send me anything. You’re anonymous (even to me) and the message is encrypted
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James Reynolds – National Party Candidate in Longford/ Westmeath –
Supporters can contribute to our 2020 election fund here:
James Reynolds is running as a National Party candidate in Longford/Westmeath for the 2020 General Election. Full list of National Party candidates:
Follow James Reynolds on social media:
An Páirtí Náisiúnta │The National Party is dedicated to the fulfilment of the Irish national idea. We believe in the Irish people, our right to exist as a nation and our right to defend and lay claim to our homeland. We seek an Ireland united, Gaelic and free.
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#VoteJohn2020 YOU are the cavalry now. It’s time to take our country back. John Waters for Dail 2020 –
Will the electorate go back to the #FF/FG/SF mafia yet again on February 8th or choose representatives whose only priority is the welfare of the Irish people, their rights and their taxes. #VoteJohn2020
John Waters is an ex journalist, Irish Patriot, Writer and a General Election Candidate for Dún Laoghaire
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Serina Irvine – National Party Candidate in Dublin South-Central –
Supporters can contribute to our 2020 election fund here:
Serina Irvine is running as a National Party candidate in Dublin South-Central in the 2020 General Election. She is a mother of four from Ballyfermot, and is a first-time Dáil candidate. Serina has been heavily involved in community activism; such as volunteering for the homeless and campaigning for a Gaelscoil in Ballyfermot. She is deeply committed to mental health issues.
Full list of National Party candidates:
Philip Dwyer – Dublin South-West
Serina Irvine – Dublin South-Central
Stephen Redmond – Dublin North-West
John Daly – Laois/ Offaly
James Reynolds – Longford/ Westmeath
Paul Hanley – Roscommon/ Galway
Paul McWeeney – Sligo/ L
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