Why We Should Boycott Amazon This Christmas, and all Multinationals for that matter.
We are literally supporting our enemies when we support multinationals…
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Why We Should Boycott Amazon This Christmas, and all Multinationals for that matter.
We are literally supporting our enemies when we support multinationals…
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You have to be willingly blind to not see the total incompatibility between Islam and our Western Way of Life, or otherwise you are deliberately trying to destroy our way of life… which makes you a traitor.
Tonight on Gruesome Tuesday Allastriona cites examples of brutal horrendous cases of sex slavery, forced marriages, honour killings etc. where Muslim men own the virginity of their daughters, and can and do sell it. Where they kill their own daughters or sisters for becoming “too Westernised”.
Many Islamic women have safe houses in UK to protect them from Islam and its men and even from the entire Islamic community which will alert the family looking for them. Some have to be moved to another country or City like Dublin…
The entire political establishment, biased media and left wing apologists are dead quiet about Islam and quietly allowing it to go ahead…
Wake up and start fightin
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Shortsighted EU Rent Boy Leo Varadkar and the entire political establishment in Ireland is Puffed Up with false EU Bravado which will cost Ireland greatly in the coming years, while Sinn Fein even betrays their Republican Base.
Republican Sinn Fein has made a 180 degree turn and become EU Unionists pushing the marxist anti society agenda…
Leo Varadkar is not fit to be Prime Minister – his only task and interest is to deliver Ireland completely and finally to the EU and also play strawman for EU’s fight with UK so they can keep the NI border open to continue smuggling illegals into UK…
His partner in crime, Bono does not pay tax, owns multiple mansions in many countries, yet tells poor Irish to give up their country to 3rd worlders… How many migrants does Bono house?
As Merkel starts her exit, Macron who has been primed to take over lead in EU is having problems of his own. Whe
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Only Hungary Understands The True Existential Threat Presented By UN Sponsored Mass Immigration To Europe.
Hungary has deployed 2,300 troops to defend the southern border from 70,000 illegals that have amassed there.
By contrast Sweden allows Illegal migrants to rape 10 year children because Muslims put no value on children and women.
The examples throughout Europe are too horrendous and too numerous to mention, yet the Liberal World order and their complicit mainstream propaganda pretends it is normal…
Apart from the constant rape of Europeans, which is NOT a crime to Muslims, 80% of Muslims migrants are on welfare, plundering the European financially too.
Merkel is finally stepping out but Germans and Europeans will be paying for her socialist largess and virtue signalling for generations and decades to come and certainly Germany and Europe will NEVER be the same again…
The killi
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Bono & Leo – Selling Kith, Kin and Country for EU Coin While The EU Crashes and Socialist Ireland Has NO Plan B!
As Merkel starts her exit, hapless Macron who has been primed to take over lead in EU is having serious problems of his own. When the loss of UK hits EU and their budget, EU will get yet another knock to add to Italy ignoring EU dictates on their national Budget and Eastern Europe standing in Solidarity against enforced mass immigration.
Meanwhile EU and the Irish Regime are smuggling in as many Africans into UK over the non existent NI border, as many as 30 per night are being bussed from Dublin Airport…
Maggie Thatcher’s words and criticism of John Major signing the Maastricht Treaty are becoming true 30 years on…
The more you educate yourself about EU the more you learn it gives you no choice but to resist it…
Wake up and start fighting back – we will need to make
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The Life of A Child Bride in Islam TODAY. By All Western Laws and Norms, Mohammed WAS a Pedophile…
963 Girls under 10 were sold off in Iran from 2016-17 – it is still happening and the left wing apologists are covering it up.
Girls are being sold by the Father to men as old as 60 for as much as 40,000 Dollars.
Saudi Arabia has the highest number of child Brides in the Middle East, but there is no international objections…
The UN does not object either…
In the 3 Books that Muslims follow instruct them on the law Muslims must follow and how to abuse children!
These three books that followers of Islam (Muslims) follow, tells them how to live, to eat, to get in a shower, how to get out a shower, how to read, how to go to bed, even how to go to the toilet…
The more you educate yourself about Islam the more you learn it gives you no choice but to resist it…
Wake up and start fighting back – we will need to
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What is Sharia Law? A Complete Ideology: a Culture, a Religion and Political System into One.
Contrary to what muslims would have you believe, they are not given a choice about what parts of Islam to follow – it is all or nothing and if they were in their own countries, they would have to follow it to the letter of the 3 books…
The 3 Books Muslims follow instruct them on the law Muslims must follow and how to indoctrinate and assimilate non-Muslims and their Countries!
The three books that followers of Islam (Muslims) follow, tells them how to live, to eat, to get in a shower, how to get out a shower, how to read, how to go to bed, even how to go to the toilet…
It also tells them how it is the duty of every muslim to indoctrinate and assimilate non muslims and their countries by whatever means…
The more you educate yourself about Islam the more you learn it gives you no choice but to resist it…
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While Italy and Hungary Reward Families and encourage them to have children, Ireland’s Cult of Death Attacks Families and Family Values.
As Ireland hurtles headlong into absolute cultural marxism where everything is objectified and families are deconstructed, it seems free abortion on demand and abortion tourism is inevitable, despite denials that it would never happen from the ministers of the cult of death that currently rule in Ireland.
A Death Cult which will not hesitate to use the most horrendous grotesque method to murder babies in the womb… at the very time that they spend millions bringing 3rd worlders and their children in to Ireland…
They literally murder their own children whilst importing the children of 3rd worlders – there can be no greater treason and evil…
This attack on Christianity accompanies an attack on sovereignty and resources as witnessed by gay marriages and murder of unborn babi
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The UN & EU Are Doubling Down on Their Invasion Before EU Elections in May knowing the voters will rise up!
Ireland is in big trouble! Castigating those who resist is the Establishment’s Priority
You will have no right to speak about your wife, daughter or sister or mother being raped or murdered…
Some statistics on immigration into Europe in the last few years so you have context for what the UN is planning:
78% of Europeans want their borders tightened. The people of Europe do NOT get to vote on this agreement or the levels of immigration the EU is dictating to its members.
94% of 2.8k people polled (to date) are against the new UN compact for migration.
70% of Europeans said they believe that a growing Muslim presence is a problem. 8 percent believe increased Muslim presence is no threat at all.
2nd and 3rd generation immigrants are integrating less than their parents into European society.
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EU NAZIS ARE TAKING YOUR COUNTRY! EU Occupation Regime Openly Attacks Sovereignty and Destroy Nation States!
BRexit is the Dublin agreement all over again.
See the EU globalists openly admitting Imperialism and Supremacy, with Fianna Fáil’s Micheál Martin even declaring in the Dail that sovereignty and the nation state “is a backward thinking idea”.
[embed]https://youtu.be/uumdrjCCe1U[/embed]In the EU parliament Guy Verhoffstad aggressively demanded that sovereignty must be handed over to the EU and even blamed the problems in Europe on the fact that nations have not handed over power fast enough!
The Dublin Agreement was just step in the greater conquest. It was a blind and has not actually been implemented – they say what people want to hear but do the exact opposite.
They said they would never setup an Army, That is exactly what they are doing with PESCO
No area was supposed to be allowed more than 7% of non-indigenous population – that is long gone…
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Elites Fight God to Appoint Themselves as our gods with their own Degenerate Moral Code! Have Courage To Get Angry!
The Liberal World Order has been working for decades to take over our world and enslave humanity as their subjects, serfs and slaves.
The signing of the UN Global Migration Pact on 11 December will usher in this New World Order when UN will take over control of country’s borders! This will surely end in chaos as billions of humans will flood West, turning it into a 3rd world hellhole!
[embed]https://youtu.be/UtfBEJpM3Ks[/embed]Immigration is The New Holodomor and Holocaust and another Irish Famine to Ethnically Cleanse and Disenfranchise The Irish and Europeans From Their Own Homeland, Heritage and Country!
The powers that be want to create a low wage mixed race European Federation and they have the power to do it – they own the banks, the media, the multinationals and governments.
At the highest level there is a war where elites want to remove an
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Where are the FemiNazis when Muslims Stone Women to death for Literally nothing – What are you opening your heart to?
Sharia patrols are employed to keep women under control more than to keep “law and order”. If a women is caught not wearing her headscarf or walking in public without a males permission or escort they will be severely physically punished.
Muslim women as well as western women have a non-Life under Islam – How Islam Oppresses Women In All Spheres of Life…
[embed]https://youtu.be/gop8bUCBEoc[/embed]Islam tells Muslims how to live, to eat, to get in a shower, how to get out a shower, how to read, how to go to bed, even how to go to the toilet…
It also tells them how to control and manage women – in fact a women is only mentioned once in the Koran and that is Mary, Jesus’ mother…
The more you educate yourself about Islam the more you learn it gives you no choice but to resist it…
The entire political establishment, biased media and left wing
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Why We Should Boycott Amazon This Christmas, and all Multinationals for that matter.
[embed]https://youtu.be/AF2gdsgV1Ac[/embed]We are literally supporting our enemies when we support multinationals…
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The West Are Useful Idiots For Muslims: Iranian who Fled Iran, Says UK is Becoming What He Fled From in Iran – Totalitarian Islam
Just like the Yasidi girl who fled Germany back to Iraq because her ISIS abuser had followed her to Germany, Elvis, who fled Iran to UK, feels like he is more in danger in UK than he was in the Islamic state if Iran!
Allah was always on the side of whatever Mohammed did, giving him licence for lechery, or was it Mohammed using Allah as an excuse and justification for his evil?
[embed]https://youtu.be/QutvQjaOMRg[/embed]Apart from his child bride, Mohammed gave himself licence to have sex with anyone, even his daughter in law. His proclivity to killing women seems to be almost an execution of witnesses or victims…
When a middle aged women wrote something not flattering about him, he ordered her to be killed. She was tied between two camels and torn limb from limb…
Another women, Bint Marwahn was an educated Medina tribal leader, wh
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The Dáil Éireann will become public toilets and its occupants beheaded, and their families raped. That is what happened after the Islamic revolution in Iran in 1972.
By signing the UN Global Migration PACT, Leo Varadkar and Theresa May are bringing the bloodshed closer to home and all over Europe and hastening its escalation.
Mohammed had 28 males slaves, mostly black and 12 female slaves. His son in law Allie was a slave trader
Mohammed is always described as a white man – pre islamic arabs were Jews, Christians and pagans
[embed]https://youtu.be/ZjNoS65Fv9E[/embed]Lefties sugarcoat Islamic slavery and try to guilt trip Europeans:
Under Islamic law, slaves, according to left wing BBC, theoretically had rights and could not be overworked, properly maintained and could take legal action if mistreated, Slaves could manage slaves and own property.
However Mohammed considered blacks slaves as animals and in the Quran Chapter 2 verses 221 it tell Muslims not to mar
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Irish News Radio