Looking at the global trends in politics today, it is clear that two clear mainstreams have emerged. It is necessary to understand what is happening and get a clear sense of why there are certain developments in the global political world. There are not enough political scholars and writers around today who can give people a clear picture of why there are certain political trends at play. Global media is mostly captured by one of the mainstreams, namely global liberalism driving a globalist society, so one can not expect a fair and balanced view from them at all. If people don’t understand why things are happening, it would be quite easy for misconceptions to abound. So lets try and get a real clear and easy to understand explanation.
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On liberalism & identity, globalism & nationalism – explaining the Great Cultural War in the world today!
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French Leader, Moron, Commences Islamisation of France – Underestimates Islamic Supremacism
According to a leaked document Macron plans the total Islamization of France.
France voted for it’s own destruction when European Union puppet Emmanuel Macron was victorious by a large margin over French nationalist Marine Le Pen.
Leaked emails contain information that shows he is planning on proposing initiatives that will lead to the islamization of France and Europe, something which was specifically and verifiably warned about since 1958. The article titled “Paris will be destroyed from within”: by Billy Meier, 1981, will explain it.
[embed]https://youtu.be/wkIQuieQJsU[/embed]The EU dictatorship was also foretold in 1958 and you can now expect radical Islam to flood through Europe… and many other places. See also: “America Will Be Wrecked”, pertaining to what’s coming to the US around and after 2020.
For those expressing scepticism about this, here is more information. The exact email is called “Fwd: Notes à date (1) : REGALIEN”, sent by que
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E.U. Brings Conflict To Europe! Does Ireland Side with EU Supremacists and Self Destruction or the Traditional European Nation States?
French President Macron has declared war on Europe and has said leaders of Hungary, Italy and other patriotic nations were right to see him as their main opponent, thereby upping the ante in the bitter European debate over mass immigration policies.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Italy’s Interior Minister Matteo Salvini on Tuesday launched an anti mass immigration manifesto aiming at next year’s European parliament elections, and countering the opposing camp led by the French and German presidents.
“There are currently two camps in Europe and one is headed by [Emmanuel] Macron,” Orban said at a press conference after holding talks with Salvini in Milan. “He is at the head of the political forces supporting immigration. On the other hand, we want to stop illegal immigration.”
E.U. countries are expected to go to the polls in May 2019, and Salvini has aligned himself with some of the patriotic “Visegrad” countries: the Czech Repub
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