#SpeakersUnicorner There have been protests outside Google’s European headquarters in Dublin over the last two weeks after Google summarily deleted a well known Irish Journalists Youtube channel with over 20,000 Subscribers. Strangely though, a variety of left wing groups including the MEP, Ming Flanagan, have called for counter protests against these Protestors in support of Google! Whilst their support of censorship is nothing new, the left are actually supporting Multinational Capitalism and monopolistic practices. In Germany, Youtube has been given a deadline of 23 August (12 Days now) to respond to demands that it comes to the table and treats its youtubers as partners and NOT as “False self employed” – a phrase which should send shivers down Youtube management’s spines… also, to treat Youtuber’s data according to GPDR regulations, something which could cost Google / Youtube BILLIONS in fines!
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