VIDEO: Many “Reaching for the Chuck Bucket” over Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Racebaiting Woke Propaganda Interview!

VIDEO: #BLM is Kristallnacht for Whites, Next are Yellow Triangles on our sleeves! Like BLM, Nazism Was Popular, Institutional & Structural, Manufacturing Consent For Holocaust!

#GE2020 Is it Time for Ireland to Come Right and Do Right by The Right? Or is the Irish Bog Too Deep & Terminal?

“THERE IS NO CLIMATE EMERGENCY!” Over 500 Scientists and Climate Professionals Tell UN That Current Climate Models “Are Unfit For Their Purpose”!

Cooling period of Earth “not far off” – CO2 and Sea Level Alarmism is “Wrong, Wrong, Wrong” – Sea Level Reviewer for UN IPCC 2000 –

Capturing the Captive Mind: Darkness at Noon and its Impact

The Pen that Toppled an Empire: Solzhenitsyn and The Gulag Archipelago