Were the Amazon fires used to score political points? Brazilian journalist Bruno Pontes joins us to discuss Jair Bolsonaro.
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Were the Amazon fires used to score political points? Brazilian journalist Bruno Pontes joins us to discuss Jair Bolsonaro.
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The World is NOT Ending and the hysteria displayed by climate change extremists, show they have doubled down in one last grab at influence, power and profit…
3 – 2 – 1 – 0 – With these numbers, climate change will never be the same with solar particle forcing. They represent some key scientific numbers in the climate discussion and we wish Greta and AOC would take note.
Head of Key UN Meteorological Organisation and Climate guru Petteri Taalas from Finland, stated last week: Climate change is not yet out of control, but the debate is – “It has the features of religious extremism”
The Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization calls for the big issues to be addre
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A teaching manual, published by the Mail on Sunday, instructs how to teach children aged six to ten about “the rules of self-stimulation.” The lessons are part of the new All About Me program rolled out in more than 240 primary schools in central England’s Warwickshire County. The program, in turn, is designed to be taught in accordance with the compulsory Relationship and Sex Education (RSE), which will be implemented all across the UK next September.
In the section called ‘Touching Myself’, the teachers are advised to tell the youngsters that “lots of people like to tickle or stroke themselves as it might feel nice,” inclu
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Parents in Ireland want to know exactly what their children are being taught.
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Watch video here: iTV.ie : https://itv.ie/cows-are-better-and-worth-more-than-non-muslims-muslim-explains-islamic-doctrine-regarding-non-believers/
According to Islam, a cow has more value than a non muslim because you get milk, leather etc, from a cow, but you apparently get nothing from a non muslim… (except welfare and free stuff of course…)
Of course they won’t tell you this to your face because they are allowed to lie by their religion (Taqqiyah). In fact the Koran says it is ok to pretend to be a non believer’s friend if it furthers the cause of Islam…
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Watch video here: iTV.ie : https://itv.ie/the-only-information-that-was-required-was-how-to-stop-this-thing-fianna-fail-councillor-seamus-walsh-on-oughterard/
Fianna Fáil Councillor Seamus Walsh spoke to Galway Bay FM this morning to discuss the monster meeting last night in Oughterard where locals unanimously voted down any plans to use the Connemara Gateway Hotel to accommodate asylum seekers.
“The only information that I felt was was required last night was how to stop this thing. There was a plebiscite taken with a show of hands and to use the word unanimous…the people do not want this abhorration to come to our village.”
“I’m calling on the people of Oughterard to get out there and find an investor. The only way I can see this being solved peacefully and done properly is for that hotel to be developed as the jewel in the crown that it is — a 64 bed hotel on the Connemara gateway serving the tourist community of Ireland.”
“The contract hasn’t been
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Watch video here: iTV.ie : https://itv.ie/theres-a-much-bigger-cost-with-asylum-seekers-in-oughterard-resident-says-upper-middle-class-lefties-shouting-racism-wont-shut-him-up/
Niall Boylan spoke to Bernie and Tom about the ongoing opposition to any asylum centre in Oughterard.
Bernie told Niall that after the monster meeting last night in the town, government officials did promise they would look at all their concerns but that after watching Prime Time last night “you see Mr Stanton is not for turning and he doesn’t really listen to us as a community or anyone down here and it’s really upsetting.”
Bernie also said there are now rumours in the village that the hotel has been promised to Somalian people and everyone is really scared.
“Are we not allowed to stand up? We’re just a small community.”
Bernie said she would feel afraid going for a walk in the town alone if the plan went ahead.
Tom called in and said that while everybody is talking a
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Watch video here: iTV.ie : https://itv.ie/rte-news-report-huge-opposition-to-oughterard-asylum-centre-but-lots-of-cash-to-far-left-ngos-and-namecalling-blackmailing-to-enforce-compliance-incoming-as-before/
Up to 700 people attended a public meeting in Oughterard, Galway where there was near unanimous opposition to any plans to accommodate asylum seekers at the Connemara Gateway Hotel. The govt has refused to confirm whether asylum seekers will be housed in the town but Cllr Tom Welby told The Niall Boylan Show last Friday that he believes the hotel is being renovated for this purpose.
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gdegcYt1mU[/embed]You can watch the vote taking place here (video credit to Gearóid Murphy | @gearoidmurphy_ on twitter):
Biggest ever gathering in Oughterard by locals has ov
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Watch video here: iTV.ie : https://itv.ie/biggest-ever-gathering-in-oughterard-by-locals-has-overwhelmingly-rejected-asylum-plans-for-their-town-will-government-ignore-them-too/
Locals in Oughterard, Galway, tonight rejected any plans to accommodate asylum seekers at the Connemara Gateway Hotel. A packed community meeting was held in the Community Centre where a hand vote was taken. A majority of the townspeople clearly opposed any asylum plans for their town.
Gearóid Murphy who took this video has said on twitter that locals have been telling him that this was the biggest community gathering they’ve ever seen.
So far the government has refused to confirm or deny whether the Gateway hotel will be used to accommodate asylum seekers but Cllr Tom Welby told Niall Boylan last Friday that he believed this was the case.
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gdegcYt1mU[/embed]Previously Shannonside broadcaster Joe Finnegan told listeners that Minister f
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#DeliberateNegligence – So far this year some 2,234 new claims for asylum have been made in Ireland, up 36 per cent on the same period last year, which was already a 10 year high. The number of new applications from those alleging persecution is now set for a 15-year high, as the Direct Provision (DP) asylum accommodation system in Ireland bursts at the seams with over 6,000 migrants. Shockingly, more than 80% of these DP resident are failed or fake claimants, which Ireland refuses to deport, even though this would make more than sufficient room and resources for legitimate claimants! Some failed claimants have lived there for a decade, despite having exhausted all their appeals!
Ireland has deliberately been turned into a de facto Open Borders state which artificially creates this crisis, not only directly due to Ireland’s stubborn refusal to deport any failed asylum seekers at all, but it could also be aggravated by the fact that this this policy, of not deporting f
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After first popping up in a Japanese woman’s ear in 2009, Candida auris, a type of yeast, has since become a global health threat, particularly for those with compromised immune systems. Genetically distinct versions of the fungus have sprung up simultaneously in India, South Africa and South America, perplexing researchers in the process.
This bug is resistant to antifungal medication and can easily spread between patients, causing outbreaks in a
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Italian Minister Matteo Salvini is a hero standing up for his people compared to the traitors in government of 14 plus 8 EU Governments. Macron has said that 14 “states” had approved a plan to take in migrants while a further 8 had said they would be actively involved. These traitorous regimes include Ireland, France, Germany, Finland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Lithuania and Croatia. macron did not mention the other 6.
This is horrific news for many like the the ten thousand Irish homeless out on the streets who are now further deprived of any prospect of ever getting a roof over their heads. This is evil, it’s dreadful news for four thousand little Irish children to shiver in more Irish winters, at least it’s warmer to be out on the streets in Africa and the Middle East!
It is now totally evident that this is all part of the Coudenhove- Kalergi Plan to replace the poor, the homeless, the suffering and the damned peoples of Europe, and that the treacherous Irish establis
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Allastriona asks Elvis, a Christian from Iran in exile in UK what he thinks is causing the downfall of The West.
Clearly the degree of multiculturalism is important, if it is similar culture like the differing European nations, it is fine, but if it is a huge difference in culture, it is guaranteed to clash.
Architecture is a good indication of the closeness between cultures. Like European architecture that went to USA with the British and Irish but had Italian and Greek influences and there was no problems with this.
However mixing very different cultures might seem novel and fun at first, when you talk about food and coffee table experiences, but when you go deeper there are serious clashes. This is mostly because many of these cultures are rooted in religion. This must be why the establishment is working so hard to destroy religions, to make it easier to create a One World Order.
However it w
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Is Physical Intervention The Only Way To Save European Nations?
So, the so called “far right conspiracy”, that the UN Migration Pact was not voluntary, turns out to be true! A document has been leaked showing that the Establishment is planning to make the UN Migration Pact compulsory and even countries that did not sign, will be forced to comply.
Internal documents reveal that Brussels plans to incorporate the controversial UN migration pact into the EU’s legal framework “through the back door”, Austria and Hungary have warned.
Earlier this week, Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl told Brussels the government was opposed to a report by the European Commission’s Legal Service declaring that the UN compact should have legally binding consequences for every EU member state including those which withdrew from the agreement. The compact describes mass migration as “inevitable, necessary and desirable”.
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Irish News Radio