Lest We Forget: Holodomor, the Genocide of 7 Million, Many Christians, That Jews Deny!

“If you believe Jesus is King, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) will call you an anti-semite” – #GAB Responds to New #ADL Attack

VIDEO: “Stop Hiring Blacks or Commit Su1c!de!” Catholic Prof. in USA Teaches Students it’s an Ethical Act When Whites Commit Su1c!de in SA!

Imagine Living to 94 Years and then a Troop of Black Barbarians Shoot You Through Your Window, Murdered for Nothing!

Who are the Racists? Half of Cape Registered Black Voters in CIAG Independence Poll say Race-Based Volkstaat is OK!

Anti-Apartheid 2.0: More than 600 Jewish Organizations, the Majority of Jews in USA, Sign Support Letter for BLM / BDS Despite BLM Leaders’ Anti-Semitism!

Morocco Uses Illegal Migrants as a Weapon! Sends 8,000 Migrants Swarming Across the Border to Spain, Who Shelter Moroccan Separatist!

Biden Destroying the American Dream: “Caused more Damage in 100 Days Than I Thought Possible in Four Years!” – Congresswoman Mace

The Oscars, Once the “Night of Nights” has Died – Only 3% Americans Watched the Craven Cabal of Virtue Signaling Elitists!

How Fake Anti-Racism Destroys Nations: South Africa’s ESKOM Directors Use Allegations of Racism To Continue Systemic Looting of The Taxpayer!

VIDEO: Many “Reaching for the Chuck Bucket” over Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Racebaiting Woke Propaganda Interview!

Whites Excluded by Law in South Africa! Even Emergency Covid19 Relief Funds Withheld from Whites by the ANC Black Majority Government!

VIDEO: Where Will YOU Run To? Joe Biden’s Ethnic Cleansing Plan for White Americans! – The Video Joe Biden Wants to Hide!

VIDEO: #MAGA Framed! Stalin Would be Proud of #TheSwamp Sting & Purge as Globalist Elites Grab Power Back From The People!

VIDEO: Deluge of Institutional Election Fraud Evidence From State Hearings! #TheSwamp & MSM Completely Hide it!