GARDAÍ are expected to conduct a review into an Irish passport holder and suspected Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist who has been captured in Syria, after it emerged he was on a Garda watchlist in Ireland.
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#LeoOut Is Leo Defending ISIS? Even Muslim Council in Ireland Says Citizenship of Irish Islamists Should be Revoked!
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After only 20 Months as President, Macron Hits Lowest Popularity Rate in History – Even Women in Yellow Vests Protesting Too!
Hundreds of women on Sunday marched in Paris in concert with France’s “Yellow Vest” movement some protesting violently, a day after protesters smashed their way into a government ministry.
The women, wearing yellow vests, turned out after 50,000 people returned to the streets of France on Saturday amid violent clashes with police.
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Eritreans Incoming? Is Traitor Leo on Shopping Trip to Africa to Buy More “New Irish” Slaves As He Visit Far Left NGOs, “Refugee” Camps and UNHCR in Africa
Under the guise of visiting a mere 20 soldiers in Mali, Leo Varadkar is spending a week in Africa from today, at a time when BRexit events are peaking. During the human shopping trip, he will travel to a UNHCR “refugee” camp for Eritrean refugees, (possibly bid on a few dozen slaves?) and visit far left NGOs and Irish Aid funded projects in northern Ethiopia. Only two weeks ago Ireland took refugees already settled in another camp in Lebanon, so it is almost certain Leo will buy some more “new Irish” with bribes of free houses, free welfare and a privileged position in Irish Society for life, without ever having to work or return home. As a bonus they can bring as many extended family members as they wish, who all receive the same VIP treatment and benefits.
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“They hate Italians and must resign” – Salvini attacks globalist mayors resisting immigration laws that will stop their gravy train
The times when mayors of Palermo, Florence and Naples could cash in on illegal immigrants are over, Italy’s Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said, vowing that those resisting the new policies will answer before law and history.
“Those who help the illegal immigrants, hate Italians,” Salvini said, blasting his opponents on Facebook and Twitter.
The minister from the conservative Lega Nord Party promised that the rebelling city heads will “answer before law and history.” And it’s no idle threat, as the former mayor of the Calabrian town of Riace is currently under house arrest on charges of aiding and abetting illegal immigration.
“Certain mayors look back fondly on the good old times of immigration, but for them the party is over!” Salvini said.
By “certain mayors” he meant the heads of Palermo, Florence and Naples, who he gave the choice of resigning from their posts.
The three mayors insisted that some parts of Salvini’s security decree aimed at c
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Neighbourhood defence groups patrol Bavarian town after asylum seekers attack and hospitalise 9 locals
After a violent attack of four refugees, the German town of Amberg is still in shock, news outlet Focus reports.
As Voice of Europe reported earlier, the refugees chose victims in the town centre then kicked and beat them with serious consequences, as nine people were hospitalised.
One man was called “nigger” and beaten up by the refugees in a sickening racist attack, that was part of the ‘orgy of violence’ in Amberg.
According to the data, the suspects were under the influence of alcohol when they attacked people on Saturday night.
Several people fled in panic from the attackers and entered a shop at the local station. A saleswoman, who locked the doors said: “People immediately told me that they were attacked, everyone was scared.”
“Such people do not deserve to be here,” the saleswoman angrily added.
A manager of a restaurant who helped a harassed girl was attacked as well, receiving a headbutt from the men. A friend of his was hit in the face.
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Macron The Dictator Reinforces His Hitler Comparison By Arresting Yellow Vest Leader And Insulting Protesters!
Shouts of “dictatorship” were heard as one of the leaders of France’s anti-government Yellow Vest movement was arrested in Paris late on Wednesday, after authorities charged him with organizing and leading an unauthorized protest.
Eric Drouet was detained by police as some of the movement’s supporters gathered in the capital’s Place de la Concorde, near the iconic Arc de Triomphe monument. People left candles in remembrance of the movement’s wounded in clashes with police.
Drouet was detained while reportedly en-route to the memorial. Footage of the arrest shows several French riot police escort him away from the crowds while supporters chant his name while he is being led away.
After that, several other protesters were grabbed from the crowd and led away by police while remaining Yellow Vests sang the national anthem.
Tweeting his support for the man, left-wing politician Jean-Luc Melenchon called the arrest an “abuse of power,” and the target of p
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Illegal Alien Jailed in Sweden for Raping 9 Year Old Girl – Lying Press Try Hard To Hide His Identity
An illegal alien has been sentenced to six years in prison and deportation from Sweden for raping a nine-year-old girl in a shed outside an apartment building. Fake news mainstream media has hidden his origin country and ethnicity for obvious reasons…
The 30-year-old approached the girl as she was cycling home from her school in Malmö, then lured her into the shed, locked the door, pushed her to the floor and raped her.
He then held the girl by the throat, and threatened to beat her if she didn’t stop screaming, according to a report in the Aftonbladet newspaper,
The girl told police that she had never seen her attacker before, leaving police struggling to find a lead. But the man turned himself in five days later, confessing fully to what he had done.
According to the court’s judgement, the man, who is himself father to a 9-year-old, told police that he had been in the area where the attack took place because he wanted “to find a girl to rape”. It didn’t matter to
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More Illegal Aliens Paying Crazy Money To Human Traffickers To Risk Life Crossing English Channel To Join Feeding Frenzy On UK’s Dying Carcass
Britain’s Immigration Minister Caroline Nokes has said that a spike in illegal aliens crossing the Channel by boat was “deeply concerning”, after dozens of people were rescued overnight.
British border officials found 23 Iranians in three locations in Kent on England’s southeast coast early Thursday, hours after French maritime authorities intercepted 11 migrants in a small boat near Sangatte.
“The number of incidents over recent days is deeply concerning,” said Nokes.
“Some of this is clearly facilitated by organised crime groups while other attempts appear to be opportunistic.”
Nine Iranians, including three children, were the first to be found early Thursday on a beach near the Kent port town of Folkstone, after sailing from northern France in a 13-foot (four-metre) inflatable boat.
Matt Crittenden, of the Littlestone-on-Sea lifeboat station, told AFP its search and rescue helicopter had spotted them and alerted police.
“We realised they were safe
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GRAPHIC: If This Video Offends Or Bothers You, You Should Not Be Welcoming Illegal Unknown Migrants To Ireland! M&M’s Anyone?
This is the video the Establishment, Mainstream media and Social Media Networks do not want you to see. Some mainstream media outlets like BBC and CBS are going so far as to call the islamic beheading as mere stab wounds to the neck! Facebook, Twitter and Youtube are removing this video as soon as it is being posted by users. We have decided to post it on, as horrendous as it is, in an effort to make people realise the barbarity they are welcoming with open arms, and also in the interest of not censoring the brutality and inhumanity of these warriors and servants of Allah, but also to highlight the deceit that Mainstream media and the Establishment is practicing in the name of false virtue and oil cash.
You wouldn’t think the much vaunted ‘Religion of Peace,’ would need public relations interference by the mainstream media, establishment and global tech elites, but that’s exactly what Islam is gett
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Blue Vest Protest in France – angry police protest and close police stations!
French police are being urged close police stations on Wednesday as part of a protest over pay and conditions – including a demand to be paid the 23 million hours of overtime they are owed – as the government scrambles to quell growing unrest among the country’s forces of law and order. After the yellow..
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Abortion is NOT politics! Kids who were saved from abortion thank Donald Trump for pro-life policies with a letter campaign
Stanton Healthcare, a Boise, Idaho-based pro-life women’s clinic with affiliates across the country and internationally, announced today that it will bring letters from children across the United States to President Trump thanking him for implementing pro-life policies.
“During the 2019 March for Life and Roe v. Wade memorial in Washington, D.C., Stanton Healthcare is bringing young children to our nation’s capital whose lives have been saved from abortion,” said Brandi Swindell, Stanton’s Founder and CEO. “They will not be coming alone, however. They will be bringing thank you letters and cards to President Trump from children all across America thanking our President for his courageous stand for life and working to end abortion. Suddenly, abortion is no longer a political issue but an issue involving real children and their futures.”
The group believes this initiative, called “Thank U Mr. President,” will “change the narrative on abortion in
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Hungary Understands The True Existential Threat Presented By UN Sponsored Illegal Immigration
Only Hungary Understands The True Existential Threat Presented By UN Sponsored Mass Immigration To Europe.
Hungary has deployed 2,300 troops to defend the southern border from 70,000 illegals that have amassed there.
By contrast Sweden allows Illegal migrants to rape 10 year children because Muslims put no value on children and women.
The examples throughout Europe are too horrendous and too numerous to mention, yet the Liberal World order and their complicit mainstream propaganda pretends it is normal…
Apart from the constant rape of Europeans, which is NOT a crime to Muslims, 80% of Muslims migrants are on welfare, plundering the European financially too.
Merkel is finally stepping out but Germans and Europeans will be paying for her socialist largess and virtue signalling for generations and decades to come and certainly Germany and Europe will NEVER be the same again…
The killings, rapes, murder
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Selling Kith, Kin and Country for EU Coin – While The EU Crashes and Ireland Has NO Plan B
Bono & Leo – Selling Kith, Kin and Country for EU Coin While The EU Crashes and Socialist Ireland Has NO Plan B!
As Merkel starts her exit, hapless Macron who has been primed to take over lead in EU is having serious problems of his own. When the loss of UK hits EU and their budget, EU will get yet another knock to add to Italy ignoring EU dictates on their national Budget and Eastern Europe standing in Solidarity against enforced mass immigration.
Meanwhile EU and the Irish Regime are smuggling in as many Africans into UK over the non existent NI border, as many as 30 per night are being bussed from Dublin Airport…
Maggie Thatcher’s words and criticism of John Major signing the Maastricht Treaty are becoming true 30 years on…
The more you educate yourself about EU the more you learn it gives you no choice but to resist it…
Wake up and start fighting back – we will need to make sacrifices… so
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What is Sharia Law? A Complete Ideology: a Culture, a Religion and Political System in One
What is Sharia Law? A Complete Ideology: a Culture, a Religion and Political System into One.
Contrary to what muslims would have you believe, they are not given a choice about what parts of Islam to follow – it is all or nothing and if they were in their own countries, they would have to follow it to the letter of the 3 books…
The 3 Books Muslims follow instruct them on the law Muslims must follow and how to indoctrinate and assimilate non-Muslims and their Countries!
The three books that followers of Islam (Muslims) follow, tells them how to live, to eat, to get in a shower, how to get out a shower, how to read, how to go to bed, even how to go to the toilet…
It also tells them how it is the duty of every muslim to indoctrinate and assimilate non muslims and their countries by whatever means…
The more you educate yourself about Islam the more you learn it gives you no choice but to resist it…
Wake up and star
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While Italy and Hungary Reward Families, Ireland’s Death Cult Attacks Families and Family Values
While Italy and Hungary Reward Families and encourage them to have children, Ireland’s Cult of Death Attacks Families and Family Values.
As Ireland hurtles headlong into absolute cultural marxism where everything is objectified and families are deconstructed, it seems free abortion on demand and abortion tourism is inevitable, despite denials that it would never happen from the ministers of the cult of death that currently rule in Ireland.
A Death Cult which will not hesitate to use the most horrendous grotesque method to murder babies in the womb… at the very time that they spend millions bringing 3rd worlders and their children in to Ireland…
They literally murder their own children whilst importing the children of 3rd worlders – there can be no greater treason and evil…
This attack on Christianity accompanies an attack on sovereignty and resources as witnessed by gay marriages and murder of unborn babies with th
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